Application for Borrower’s Card/Mail-A-Book Sign-up Do you currently have an Arrowhead Library System library card?* Yes No Have you used Mail-A-Book previously?* Yes. I want to update or renew my library card No, I would like to get started with Mail-A-Book No, I just need a library card Barcode #PIN Number – Default = last 4 digits of home telephone numberName* First Middle Last Mailing Address* Street Address PO Box City ZIP Code Do you live within this city’s limits?* Yes No TownshipIf you live out side of city limits, please include your township.County*Email Birthdate*mm/dd/yyyyName of parent or guardian, if applicant is under 12 years of age First Last Phone*Cell Phone#Would you like to receive library notices via phone call, e-mail, or text message?(choose one)* Phone Call E-mail Text Message Notes and or CommentsData Privacy. According to the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, library users must be informed of what private data is being collected, its uses and disposition (sometimes referred to as the “Tennessen warning”). By Minnesota law, information you provide in applying for a library card, except your name, as well as information which links your name with library materials is private. It is available only to you and to appropriate library personnel. This information is required to support library services. You are not legally required to provide the information on the application, but you will not receive a library card if you do not fill out the information on the application. The information in the application must be released pursuant to a court order.(electronic submission of this form will serve as your signature)CaptchaCheck the box to continue.