Choose Privacy Week 2019

Librarians feel a professional responsibility to protect the right to search for information free from surveillance.


Privacy has long been the cornerstone of library services in America.

Why? Because the freedom to read and receive ideas anonymously is at the heart of individual liberty in a democracy. Librarians defend that freedom every day.

Choose Privacy Week is the American Library Association’s annual, week-long event that promotes the importance of individual privacy rights and celebrates libraries and librarians’ unique role in protecting privacy in the library and in society as a whole. The initiative encourages libraries to be champions of privacy rights in the digital age and highlights ways libraries can protect the privacy of their patrons and educate persons to think critically and make informed choices about their privacy.

Visit for resources to promote Choose Privacy Week, including graphics and handouts, such as:

Protect Your Privacy While Using Public Computers & Wi-Fi

A Message to Library Users: Your privacy is important to us

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