I Went Walking Story Stroll @ Arrowhead Library System!
You’re invited to a Story Stroll at Arrowhead Library System (ALS) on Thursday, May 20, 1-4 p.m.! The featured title will be I Went Walking by Sue Williams and illustrated by Julie Vivas. The Story Stroll will contain laminated big book pages attached to metal stakes placed at 8-foot intervals in a safe environment for families. This activity combines the joy of reading with the benefits of being active outdoors. Visitors are encouraged to park in the front lot and signs will be posted. Following your stroll, select free books from the ALS Little Free Bookmobile and pick up a take-and-make craft! This self-guided event is suitable for toddler and preschool aged kids and their families. Event will take place rain or shine! Arrowhead Library System is located at 5528 Emerald Avenue in Mountain Iron.
ALS Summer Programming for Kids and Families!
Arrowhead Library System invites kids and families of all ages living in Carlton, Cook, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, Lake of the Woods, and St. Louis counties to COLOR YOUR WORLD by participating in two exciting and engaging summer programs this year! Get out your crayons, markers, pens, pencils or paint! ALS is offering a Reading Colors Your World Bookmark Design Contest. Kids of all ages are encouraged to print off the bookmark template at https://www.alslib.info/reading-programs/ and create a unique design. Entries must be submitted via mail and postmarked on or before August 27, 2021. Prizes will be awarded for the five most creative submissions. Entries can be mailed to:
Arrowhead Library System Bookmark Design Contest
5528 Emerald Avenue
Mountain Iron, MN 55768
ALS is also offering a Reading Colors Your World Summer Activity Postcard Program this year. Kids who sign up will receive four activity postcards throughout the summer months encouraging them to be creative, to explore, and to learn new things. Everyone in a household may sign up to participate as we know it’s always fun to get mail! Program is geared towards kids of all ages and their family members, however anyone can participate! To sign up, visit https://tinyurl.com/2021ALSPostcards and complete the form for each participant.