To help get kids and families prepared for summer reading, a select number of public libraries in the Arrowhead Library System (ALS) region will be offering overdue fines amnesty for patrons ages 0-18 now until May 31, 2021. During this time, kids can return those long overdue library books from the following locations and all overdue fines will be forgiven:
- Aurora Public Library
- Babbitt Public Library
- Baudette Public Library
- Calumet Public Library
- Carlton Area Public Library
- Cloquet Public Library
- Coleraine Public Library
- Cook Public Library
- Duluth Public Library
- Grand Marais Public Library
- Grand Rapids Area Library
- Hibbing Public Library
- Hoyt Lakes Public Library
- International Falls Public Library
- Keewatin Public Library
- Marble Public Library
- Moose Lake Public Library
- Two Harbors Public Library
- ALS Bookmobile
- ALS Mail-A-Book
“This is a great opportunity to return overdue materials and restore library borrowing privileges to our region’s youngest patrons whose overdue fines and fees prevent them from accessing library services,” said ALS Regional Librarian Mollie Stanford. “The goal of this program is to eliminate barriers and get kids and families back into the library.”
Please note the amnesty program does not apply to fines and fees charged for lost materials. Some ALS member public libraries have created individual programs to help their local patrons with lost item fines and fees. Patrons of all ages are encouraged to reach out to their local public library to ask about these programs.
Need an ALS Public Library Card or a replacement card? If you live in the ALS seven-county service area of Carlton, Cook, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, Lake of the Woods and St. Louis, you can get one today! Feel free to apply online by visiting