Mindfulness for Librarians: Handling Stress and Thriving Under Pressure eCourse
January 9, continuing for 4 weeks
Fee $195.00
Do you ever find yourself feeling overwhelmed or stressed at work? Throughout this four-week eCourse, you’ll learn tips and tricks to better handle stress and become more mindful in the workplace. Instructors Richard Moniz and Martin House will discuss burnout theory and the overall impact it has on you, library users, and your organization as a whole. Register
Using Project Outcome Data in Grant Applications
December 8, 1:00pm Central
This webinar builds upon previous sessions about good practices for communicating about data and developing effective messaging; it will focus on how to incorporate Project Outcome survey results into grant applications. Participants will hear from an evaluation expert and other library leaders about their own experience and lessons learned from communicating their Project Outcome survey results. Register
A New Approach to Building Family Engagement Pathways
December 6, 12:00pm Central
Are you interested in increasing your outreach to families? Are you wondering how you might elevate family voice in the work that you do? Are you thinking about how to develop stronger community partnerships in support of families? Register
Libraries—Unite Your Patrons: Check Out the Latest Trends in Community Reads Programs
Library Journal
December 1, 3:00pm Eastern
What if a whole community were engaged in a book discussion? Many libraries have asked and answered that question by sponsoring Community Reads projects. Library Journal and Ingram Library Services present a webinar featuring a panel of librarians who have coordinated and managed city-wide book groups in their own communities. Register
Libraries Supporting Social Good: Tools and Tips for Outreach to Nonprofits
December 14, 11:00am Pacific
Libraries should be engaged with their local social sector community. The social sector include nonprofits, as well as grantmaking organizations and business enterprises with an explicitly social purpose. This webinar will offer practical guidance on the best tools, training resources, and marketing tactics your library can use to engage the social sector in your community. You will also hear examples of how librarians have implemented these tools and tactics in their libraries. Register
Forecasting Success: Learning Trends for 2017 and Beyond
Training Industry
December 8, 1:00pm Eastern
Join us for an exciting look ahead to the broad implications of the intersecting technologies, learning opportunities and emerging trends 2017 will bring. Register