Mail-A-Book is an Arrowhead Library System service with a designated collection of books and audio-visual materials that can be ordered by and mailed to qualified patrons at no cost to them.
This tax-supported service is provided to rural residents, those who live in a city without a public library, and homebound residents throughout the Arrowhead Library System’s region. The service area includes Carlton, Cook, Itasca, Koochiching, Lake, Lake of the Woods, & St. Louis Counties of Minnesota. Eligible patrons receive and return library materials by mail with all postage paid. Each calendar year two catalogs listing the newest materials are mailed to our patrons. Our recent catalogs are available by request and online. (See links below for PDF versions.)
Resource Links
Application for Library Card/Mail-A-Book sign-up
Search the Mail-A-Book online catalog
For more information or to begin service, email us mailbook@alslib.info, or call us at 218-741-3840.
Mail-A-Book Catalogs
Scroll down for the Mail-A-Book Online Ordering Form
Melody Dane, Mail-A-Book Coordinator
Anne Grierson, Mail-A-Book Clerk
Roxanne Kelson, Mail-A-Book Clerk